Welcome to the Great Falls Senior Center (GFSC)  Website!

 GFSC mission:  to serve, support, and enrich the lives of older adults in the Great Falls        Community.


River Bend Club - 375 Walker Rd, Great Falls

What is the GFSC?

With support of the Great Falls Citizen Association, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Great Falls Senior Center Without Walls (GFSC) in September 2012. The Commonwealth of Virginia established GFSC in November 2012.  GFSC is now incorporated in the State of Virginia.  GFSC is partnered with the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services in all ventures and events.

While there is no brick and mortar building, the GFSC meets at the River Bend Club and other local places in Great Falls. 

Scenes from Great Falls, Virginia

  2024 GFSC events:


        January 2024: No GFSC Event

       February 20th : Mary Ann Jung

       March 19th:  Native Gardening

       April 16th: Blane Ampthor: Behind the Headstones:  

     Amazing Stories of Heroes at Arlington Cemetery

       May 21st: Ken Garrett: Queens of Egypt

       June 18th: The Kelly Art Collection

       July 16th: Harmony Heritage Singers

      August 20th:  Tony Meunier: My year at the Original  "Old" South       Pole        Station, Antarctica

      September 17th, 2024: Chef Jacques Haeringer

      October 15th, 2024: Ralph Bugrass

      November 19th :Anjuli Singh: Film Historian

      December 3rd: Holiday Party and Langley Madrigals


Tony Meunier: My Year at the Old South Pole Station, Antarctica

Photos from 2023-2024 Activities and Events

What We Do: 

Monthly Events

Renowned Speakers 



Educational Programs

Discussion Groups

Technology Workshops

...and so much more!

Each monthly event introduces a theme presented by experts in the field.    

Historical Pictures  added to the Website

Check out the wonderful historical pictures of Great Falls in the "Scenes from Great Falls" at the top of this page.  These marvelous pics were shared with us by local historian Carolyn Crouch-Miller and include the old Forestville school, the Arnon Chapel Church, and the Cornwell farm.  Thanks, Carolyn, for sharing these treasures with us!


The Golden Gazette is a Fairfax County monthly publication for Senior Citizens.  You may access the monthly issue at:

www.FairfaxCounty.gov/Older Adults

The Golden Gazette also is read over the phone to subscribers who register with The Washington Ear. Go to www.washear.org or call 301–681–6636 to register for this free service.

Great Falls Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Post Office Box 425, Great Falls, Virginia 22066

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