Great Falls Senior Center

Adult Protective Services


If you suspect abuse, neglect or exploitation, make the call!

Our Services:
We investigate reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation involving adults who are:
• 18 years or older and incapacitated
• 60 years or older

These adults may live in their own homes, with relatives or in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, or group homes.

How We Help:
• We receive and investigate reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults.
• We receive and investigate reports of adults “at risk” of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
• We assess for service needs and determine whether the adult in question needs protective services.
• We may provide case management services.

Who Should Report Suspected Abuse?
• Anyone can report a suspected incident of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
• Reporting just takes a phone call.
• State law required that the identity of people who report suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation be kept strictly confidential.
• Reporters are immune from any civil or criminal liability unless they act in bad faith or with a malicious purpose.

Cost of Services:
• Adult Protective Services is a free service.

The Goals of Adult Protective Services are to:
• Protect older adults and incapacitated adults from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
• Prevent abuse, neglect, or exploitation of older adults and incapacitated adults.
• Help older and incapacitated adults continue to live in their homes as long as possible.
• Help older and incapacitated adults find appropriate placements in nursing homes and other institutions only when necessary.
• Help older adults and incapacitated adults become as self-sufficient as possible.

Great Falls Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Post Office Box 425, Great Falls, Virginia 22066

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